The VIP Mastermind
With Mitch Harris

If you are on this page you are interested in being considered for membership into The VIP Mastermind, founded in 2009. We love bringing new members to the team and we want to make sure they are the right fit.

The first step to joining is to fill out this application. Your application will be reviewed by the members of the leadership team. Once approved, you will receive an email to set up an interview with Mitch Harris, followed by a simple, standard vetting process to confirm your acceptance onto the team.

If accepted into “The VIP”, you will be sent a fillable pdf registration form to reserve your spot with payment of $400 per month.

Please be sure to fill out each answer below to the best of your ability.

Mitch Harris
President and Founder
The VIP Mastermind

Apply Now

    We will not share or abuse the privilege

    (This group is for men 25 years of age or older)

    Your response will be held in strict confidence

    This could be in terms of growth, revenue, team culture or more. Whatever resonates for you.

    Assuming of course there are no legal or moral conflicts

    I understand there is no financial commitment to apply.

    I understand The VIP Mastermind membership dues are $400 per month.

    I understand joining The VIP Mastermind is a 6-month minimum commitment.

    I understand the next step is scheduling an interview.

    Please note

    Applying for an interview does not guarantee membership into The VIP Mastermind.

    Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions Any sales figures or results referenced by members are not typical. We are not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Some of our members have been participating in the mastermind process for over 10-years and these are exceptional people who work extremely hard. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors … including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to become a member of The VIP Mastermind.