Is a mastermind
right for you?

To help determine if a Mastermind is worth exploring at this time, we suggest you answer the following questions.

Tally the yes and no answers and decide for yourself

The more questions you answer with a "YES" , the more open you will be to the process of the Mastermind and the easier it will be for you to benefit from the group. If the majority of your answers below are "NO", we suggest that you think twice before you pursue this and perhaps revisit it when you are ready.

PLEASE NOTE: Answering these questions is not required to watch our complimentary training or apply for an interview.

  • Are you already successful at what you do?
  • Can your business benefit from a flow of fresh input and ideas?
  • Would you like to better harness your core strengths while simultaneously dissolving the key weaknesses that hold you back?
  • Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything you have on your plate and wonder how you are going to accomplish it all?
  • Do you ever get knocked off track?
  • Would you like to be more strategic in how you plan and prioritize?
  • Do you believe it could serve you to have more support and accountability regarding your top goals and objectives?
  • Do you see value in brainstorming and soundboarding your ideas with other like-minded people?
  • Are you hungry to grow and succeed both personally and professionally, above and beyond where you are currently?
  • Do you believe there is still plenty for you to learn?